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My Services


Ego State Therapy includes a range of techniques meant to be used with other psychotherapies.  It includes strategies to help the client understand parts of the self that they have tried to keep hidden due to shame, fear, or other painful feelings the parts are holding.  By understanding the purpose and experience of the parts, the client can begin to consider and attend to their needs holistically and therefore more adaptively.  


Eye-movement desensitization and Reprocessing ( EMDR) is an evidenced-based treatment for working through traumatic memories.  I like to say traumatic memories are like folders on your desk you don't know where to file- each time you go to your desk they're in the way, taking up space.  EMDR helps the brain to make sense of the contents of the file, so it knows where to file it.  Through bilateral stimulation, done using eye movements, the brain can store the old memories in its long term memory bank, or " file cabinet."  Once the memory is in your file cabinet, it can be retrieved if necessary, but is out of the way clearing space on your "desk"!  If old stories, images or beliefs are getting stuck in your head and preventing you from having inner peace, EMDR is a life-changer.  


Uncover the challenges holding you back from living the life you want to live, while bolstering your inner strengths and enlarging you supports.  We will work together to identify those areas that are most troubling, and develop an action plan to clear the obstacles that hold you back, while steadily increasing more of what  is truly meaningful to you.  Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Ego-State therapy, problem-solving, and insight building, are some of the strategies used in session.  The result of your time and dedication to the process is a lifetime of  increased self-awareness, self-love, and authentic self-expression.

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